Interactive workshop for 100+ MSLs to profile & engage DOLs

The Challenge

 Identifying strategic ways to engage with digital customer personas 

A pharma client was accelerating plans to move beyond planning clinical activities with customers to also planning customer digital activities. They wanted to inspire their JAPAC Medical Science Liaisons to identify the online influencers, profile the digital lives of current customers as well as give guidance on how to prepare engagement models for digital interactions.

The Solution

Digital customer engagement training

Leveraging our extensive experience in this area, we designed and facilitated an interactive Digital Customer Workshop for 100+ MSLs which included:

  • A pre-workshop exercise to review the digital profile of a customer
  • An introduction to HCPs on social media and the difference between digital HCPs and ‘Digital Opinion Leaders’
  • How to create a rich profile of the digital lives of an HCP
  • What then to do: engagement models, planning for interactions

The Outcome

With our heritage of experience, we facilitated a workshop that gave the client  strategic recommendations on how to engage with the digital landscape

A very successful workshop resulted in the client and their MSLs having a clear understanding of the place of digital in the customer engagement landscape. Further resources and tools were co-created and shared supporting MSLs in their ongoing efforts.

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