I’ve already described how the unique nature of the Healthcare Engagement Strategy Awards means there are no predefined categories, no entry fee, and no long-winded nominations. In fact, we’re primarily encouraging nominations by Tweet.
At its simplest, tweet @EngagementStrat and mention #hesawards
So, how should you make an effective nomination? As with many aspects of the Awards, the answer to this is something that’s becoming clear as we take this journey together and nominations come in. A simple nomination might look like this:
@EngagementStrat I nominate [A] for #hesawards
…where [A] is someone or something that deserves recognition – such as an organization, or a Twitter user, a strategy, a campaign name, or a web address.
Or, why not help us out by telling us why?
@EngagementStrat I nominate [A] for #hesawards because [B]
…where [B] is all the reasons why (or as much as you can fit into the remaining characters in your tweet!)
Feel free to tweet more than once, if you would like to tell us more. Tweet about results, impact on patients, and strategies. So for example you might tweet like this:
#hesawards [A] achieved [C]
Where [C] is the outcome or results of engagement.
We’re also seeing people add their support or comments to nomination tweets. A supporting tweet might look like this:
I agree, because [D] RT @… I nominate [A] for #hesawards because [B]
…where [D] is your additional reason why.
We don’t mind at all if you tweet a nomination that’s already on our radar. Multiple nominations and mentions won’t count as votes as such, but your tweets will help us to build a picture of the nomination and its influence, reach, and effectiveness.
Finally, I should say that you don’t have to mention @EngagementStrat in your tweet, but you must include hashtag #hesawards.
And don’t forget to keep spreading the word to help us uncover the most effective healthcare engagement in 2009. Simply tweet this, or a variation:
Nominate strategies, campaigns & people for Healthcare Engagement Strategy Awards: Tweet @EngagementStrat with tag #hesawards