
How can you isolate the voice of the healthcare professional on public social media?

By Katie Kennedy

Being able to only access the thoughts and opinions of the healthcare professional on public social media has traditionally been quite hard. If you just consider Twitter, with millions of tweets taking place each day how can we know which ones are posted by HCPs?

In the past, HCP comments and posts were isolated by using a social media monitoring service to filter the conversation around a particular brand or therapy area. Analysts then tried to categorise the data into patient or doctor conversation by filtering based on what language they thought doctors were using. As patients are now using language similar to doctors this method was impracticable, unreliable and the cause of much frustration.

The data and insights were out there on social media but how could we access them?

The concept of Creation Pinpoint came about to solve this problem. Using proprietary technology, we are able to distil the voice of the HCP from all other conversation taking place on public social media. We then allow you to know what physicans, surgeons, pharmacists and nursing staff are saying about your product or therapy area. Watch the video for more information.

Creation Pinpoint distills the voice of the healthcare professional on public social media

Creation Pinpoint distills the voice of the healthcare professional on public social media

Creation Pinpoint works alongside a leading social media monitoring tool which tracks billions of social media posts. We then add the Creation Pinpoint big data engine which has over 320,000 HCP-related social media profiles, sites and blogs. The engine acts as an HCP filter meaning we can look at HCP comments only, around any topic such as a particular therapy area or brand.

One year after the launch of Creation Pinpoint we are sharing the story of HCPs in social media and the complex technology behind the service in this short 4 minute video.

Once you add the expertise of our global research team and pharma marketing gurus then the data can be turned into useful and strategic recommendations.  Spend just 4 minutes watching our Creation Pinpoint video to learn about the latest technology in online HCP market research being used by some of the world’s biggest pharma companies.


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Meet the Author

Katie Kennedy

Katie has a background working within health organisations and continues to champion the work we do at CREATION.co amongst our current and future clients.

When not at work Katie enjoys being a mother to her two little girls, a dog, a cat, and a tortoise.