24.03.2020 | Insight

Webinar: Coronavirus digital communication strategies for NGOs, Government and Health Policy

By Luke Wilson

Webinar: Coronavirus digital communication strategies for NGOs, Government and Health Policy

Coronavirus digital communication strategies for NGOs, Government and Health Policy​

Latest intelligence on best practice during the COVID-19 crisis.

Sign up to receive the on-demand webinar straight to your inbox.

For many of us in health communications, the COVID19 pandemic may be the defining communications emergency of our lives.

While millions of healthcare professionals (HCPs) worldwide are putting their lives on the line as they battle to slow the impact of the COVID19 coronavirus, how do we communicate with relevance and truth; with compassion and urgency?

At CREATION.co, our health crisis experience has seen us advising the world’s most influential organisations during international public health emergencies, and coaching global healthcare communicators to prepare for a crisis.

Join this live webinar and you will be the first to access CREATION.co’s up-to-the-minute intelligence on HCP needs and the response of NGOs, governments and policy shapers. In this webinar you will discover:

– Latest insights from the front lines of health communications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

– Insight-led strategies to direct your immediate and long-term action planning.

The live webinar has already taken place, but an on-demand version of the webinar is available by filling out your details below.

Complete the form to access this on-demand webinar

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Meet the Author

Luke Wilson

Luke brings a design thinking perspective to our Marketing & Communications, working to keep CREATION’s brand presence and message front of mind to all key stakeholders.

When he isn’t learning about fatherhood, Luke enjoys watching and playing football, being an over enthusiastic fan of Liverpool FC.

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