Learn how HCPs engage around scientific events and data releases

With our unique healthcare professional (HCP) listening technology CREATION Pinpoint®, you can track the online conversation before, during, and after congress to give you an indication of how HCPs respond to new data or content – whether your own or that of a competitor – and how this then goes on to influence the nature and tone of the evolving conversation beyond congress.

Scientific Conversation Analysis

Understand how HCPs are shaping your brand well before your product launches

Develop powerful brand advocacy and build a meaningful pharmaceutical brand with a deep understanding of your customers’ opinions in advance of product launch using CREATION Pinpoint®. Listening to their online conversations allows you to maximise your awareness, confirm advantages, and develop HCP advocates.

Identify the DSLs influencing the scientific conversation online

Many HCPs are Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs), but fewer are Digital Scientific Leaders (DSLs). As DSLs have a natural inclination to lead and shape the scientific dialogue amongst their peers online, identifying those pertinent to your brand, something we have extensive expertise in, will provide powerful insight to inform your healthcare launch strategy, particularly in the early pre-launch phase.

Scientific Conversation Analysis #2

Discover how and where DSLs are influencing their peers

The context of a DSL’s influence is a significant catalyst for successful engagement. Leverage CREATION Pinpoint®, the world’s most powerful online HCP conversation insights tool, to enrich and inform your overall strategy, give you an understanding of where your DSLs fit within the therapy area dialogue and help engage your customers in a meaningful way through your DSL’s influence.

Build relationships

Just as with your interactions with traditional Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), it is important to remember that your DSLs are also people. Building relationships takes time, is based on common interests, and requires value-add right from the start. We have extensive experience in building strong relationships with HCP customers, whether they are KOLs or DSLs.