Gain a deep understanding of your therapy area

Healthcare professional (HCP) competitive intelligence allows you to gather analysis from HCPs’ online discussions about you and your competitors to generate unique commercial insights.’s expertise in this area can be invaluable in informing your strategic decisions.

Competitive Intelligence

Know what your competitors are doing with their products and how they are engaging with your audience

In order to protect or grow your market share, it is vital to understand your customers’ opinions and needs relating to your products and competitor products.  HCP competitive intelligence research will also keep you updated with how HCPs are engaging in competitors’ activity and messaging.

Create a true understanding of your position within your competitive landscape

Establish a true understanding of your corporate and product brand reputation among HCPs and how this changes with market disruptions, such as a competitor product launch or a policy decision for a competitor.

Competitive Intelligence #2

Monitor HCP sentiment on brands and products to inform your communication planning

Our expertise analyse what HCPs are asking or saying about you and your competitors and how they respond to messaging provides you with valuable insights that will inform your communication planning and measure market effectiveness.