05.06.2019 | Insight

How did healthcare professionals react to the recent FDA announcement of a safety warning on some models of Medtronic pacemakers?

By Jamie Doggett

How did healthcare professionals react to the recent FDA announcement of a safety warning on some models of Medtronic pacemakers?

How did healthcare professionals react to the recent FDA announcement of a safety warning on some models of Medtronic pacemakers? Our analysis of physician reactions on social media shows that one doctor was particularly influential in driving conversation among his peers. Edward Schloss, a cardiac electrophysiologist, accounted for 72% of all reposts on the topic by healthcare professionals.

Here’s a brief summary of our analysis:

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Meet the Author

Jamie Doggett

As Associate Director of Insight, Jamie leads the Analytics and Insights Team overseeing the development of insights. He works with teams to ensure the highest standards of research outputs, client delivery, and technology development.

Jamie is a country boy at heart having grown up on the sunny Isle of Wight and enjoys adventures which is reflected in a love for travel and travel literature.

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