22.01.2021 | Tracker

UK HCPs use blue heart to show support for frontline respiratory healthcare workers

By Laura Marsh

Each month, CREATION.co’s respiratory tracking update brings you the latest insights into the online UK healthcare professional (HCP) conversation regarding respiratory disease. You can find the most up to date insights, and the archive, on our Respiratory Tracker landing page.

Between December and January, the volume of UK HCP online conversation in respiratory disease increased to above the daily average level (of 113 posts per day) of previous months, with notably higher posting activity seen at the beginning of the new year.

During this monthly tracking period, more UK HCP posts contained an emoji than in any previous month, with the most frequently used emoji being a blue heart. NHS Million, a group which supports the work of the NHS, launched the #NHSblueheart initiative on Twitter on 6th January as a way to stand in solidarity with those working on the frontlines at this difficult time. HCPs, alongside patients, have been adding blue hearts to their posts in the UK respiratory disease conversation as a way of displaying their gratitude and admiration for all the hard work of their NHS respiratory colleagues during the pandemic.


As well as showing emotional support for fellow NHS colleagues on the frontlines, UK HCPs also shared educational resources to offer practical support in the challenges they are facing. One of the ways in which HCPs aimed to do this was by publicising online educational sessions around the management of COVID-19 associated respiratory conditions, including one session, outlined in the post below, which was mentioned 272 times by UK HCPs.


Each month, we track the HCP conversation relating to respiratory disease and this month we have seen UK HCPs using Twitter to engage with professional organisations in the space.

You can keep up to date with this and other pharmaceutical tracking updates, including COVID-19 developments within the Tracking section of CREATION Knowledge, or sign up to receive our monthly eJournal with all of our latest HCP insights.

If you would like to dig deeper into what we have seen this month then please do get in touch.


  • This article analysed the Twitter conversations of HCPs in the UK discussing respiratory disease and related terms between 17 December 2020 and 20 January 2021, using CREATION Pinpoint®.
  • Between 17 December 2020 and 20 January 2021, there were 4,736 UK HCP mentions of respiratory disease and related terms, from 2,319 unique UK HCP authors.

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Meet the Author

Laura Marsh

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