Respiratory tracker: eHCPs raised awareness of respiratory diseases at RCPCH 2023

22.06.2023 | Tracker

Respiratory tracker: eHCPs raised awareness of respiratory diseases at RCPCH 2023

Each month,’s respiratory tracking update brings you the latest insights into the online UK healthcare professional (eHCP) conversation regarding respiratory disease. 

​​Between 21 May and 20 June 2023 CREATION Pinpoint® tracked the conversations of UK eHCPs discussing respiratory diseases. We analysed 3,161 posts discussing respiratory diseases from 1,403 eHCPs.

As the weather in the UK is heating up, the online conversation has been increasing around the topic of hayfever. 10% of the asthma conversation was discussing hayfever and high pollen counts, with eHCPs educating their networks on ‘thunderstorm asthma’, which can affect asthma patients and people with hayfever. 24 UK eHCPs shared the BBC News update on thunderstorm warnings around the UK.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) conference attracted eHCPs, causing a spike in online conversation on 24 May. The RCPCH conversation was referenced often using the hashtag #RCPCH23. Damian Roland, a paediatrician from Leicester, posted about data shared at the conference, which was shared by 23 other UK eHCPs.

This month, eHCPs were very vocal around the topic of advocacy and awareness, bringing to light the St. Emlyn’s blog on a patient with asthma precipitated by anaphylaxis and a tragic event that occurred from this. 51 UK eHCPs shared the blog link, urging their networks to read it and learn from it with the goal of reducing deaths from anaphylaxis and asthma.

Each month, we track the eHCP conversation relating to respiratory disease.

You can keep up to date with this and other pharmaceutical tracking updates, including COVID-19 developments, within the Tracking section of CREATION Knowledge, or sign up to receive our monthly eJournal with all of our latest HCP insights. 

If you would like to dig deeper into what we have seen this month then please do get in touch


  • This article analysed the Twitter conversations of HCPs in the UK discussing respiratory disease and related terms between 21 May and 20 June 2023 using CREATION Pinpoint®.
  • Between 21 May and 20 June 2023, there were 3,161 UK eHCP mentions of respiratory disease and related terms, from 1,403 unique UK eHCP authors. 

Click here to view the latest respiratory tracker

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Meet the Author

Hannah Ghinn

After completing her graduate year as an insights analyst, Hannah now uses her broadened knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and the work we do at CREATION to assist Daniel and Joanna, the CEO and COO. She uses her critical thinking skills from her psychology with business degree to efficiently handle her responsibilities.

Hannah enjoys exploring new places, and can often be found out on an adventure during the weekends. She one day hopes to have travelled to every country in the world.

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