Respiratory tracker: New lung cancer screening programme sparks conversation about resources in the NHS

25.07.2023 | Tracker

Respiratory tracker: New lung cancer screening programme sparks conversation about resources in the NHS

Each month,’s respiratory tracking update brings you the latest insights into the online UK healthcare professional (eHCP) conversation regarding respiratory disease. 

​​Between 21 June and 20 July 2023 CREATION Pinpoint® tracked the conversations of UK eHCPs discussing respiratory diseases on X (Twitter). We analysed 2,702 posts discussing respiratory diseases by 1,232 eHCPs.

eHCP respiratory disease conversation peaked on 26 June, when the roll out of the  national lung cancer screening program was announced. 87 UK eHCPs shared this news, and on the whole, they were pleased. An oncologist described it as a ‘game changer’ and spoke about the ‘huge impact’ his local pilot program is making already. Others described the news as ‘fantastic,’ and hoped that it would ‘save thousands of lives.’

However, with this hope of earlier cancer diagnosis, eHCPs are concerned about shortages in the NHS and the impact that improving diagnosis will have on waiting times. Radiologist Arjun Nair spoke about the importance of improving recruitment and retention of lung cancer specialists. Similarly, in a post shared by 3 UK eHCPs, ex-NHS doctor Sandeep Bansal expressed concern that diagnosed patients will be without treatment options given the underfunding of research.

Long before the new screening program, NICE had set the threshold for referral to urgent cancer diagnosis at 3% likelihood of cancer. This month, GP Rammya Matthews re-ignited controversy about this, sharing her BMJ article that questioned the allocation of resources into cancer at the expense of other therapy areas. Several eHCPs engaged with her call for more investment into mental as well as physical health, and other under-prioritised therapy areas.

eHCPs were also vocal around NPRANG 2023 (National Paediatric Respiratory and Allergy Nurses Group), on 24 June. They spoke about the conference in 70 posts. Viv Marsh, a specialist respiratory nurse, was particularly active at the conference. She posted throughout the day, keeping her followers updated about the different sessions and congratulating her peers. Her most engaged with post at the conference shared about #MovingOnAsthma, a resource for young people living with asthma.

Each month, we track the eHCP conversation relating to respiratory disease.

You can keep up to date with this and other pharmaceutical tracking updates, including COVID-19 developments, within the Tracking section of CREATION Knowledge, or sign up to receive our monthly eJournal with all of our latest HCP insights. 

If you would like to dig deeper into what we have seen this month then please do get in touch


  • This article analysed the conversation on X of HCPs in the UK discussing respiratory disease and related terms between 21 June and 20 July 2023 using CREATION Pinpoint®.
  • Between 21 June and 20 July 2023, there were 2,702 UK eHCP mentions of respiratory disease and related terms, from 1,232 unique UK eHCP authors. 

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Emily Fletcher-Louis

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